Here at Liquid Digital Solutions, we're 100% virtual.

That means you get the best talent with next to no overhead, and our team gets to work from anywhere in the world. The result? Happier team and happier clients!

Decades of Experience

With over decades of combined experience and many team members having 10+, 15+ or more years working in the digital space, we know what it means when we say marketing perfection.

Our goal is to always bring the best digital work to you, with the flexibility you need because we understand that the digital world is liquid - ever changing - and our goal is to work with and adapt to stay on top of the liquid landscape for ongoing success.


Team Members

Because we're virtual, we're always growing. Because we're liquid, our team will flow to adjust to whatever the business needs are. Right now we're 12 and counting...that's the beauty of a freelance virtual digital agency. We can adjust however we need so we all succeed together!

Areas of Expertise

SEO; PPC & social across networks; digital creative for banner ads, infographics; remarketing; blogging and copywriting; and analytics with certifications in Google, Core Metrics, and more. The list goes on, and we're always learning more as the digital landscape constantly changes. Because the landscape is liquid, so is the number of areas we have expertise in.

(973) 626-3673

Call us to discuss your business's needs and get started today!